Friday, May 08, 2009

Tips For Attracting New Blog Readers

Here are some tips on how to improve yours ...

1). You raise Syndication

Make sure to keep up-to-date with the increasingly popular directory storage and hotspots and use the Trackback URL so that you can tell how far you have spread the new content and identify new active readers.

2). Comment on Another Blog

Join the discussion in the blogs of others is a way to attract attention, increase involvement and create new readers. Be careful not to create the impression that you link only to hunt, but add some value to the conversation and eventually try and make the same activities in the comment section of your blog if they are not the place for conversation.
3). Promote Your URL

Promote your blog URL and RSS feed URL. Use the address of your blog in blog comments when other people, features on your email signature, in all social and media profiles available in any longer. Encourage RSS subscriptions by including links in your newsletter and all communication.

4). Optimise Each post

This may sound like a given, but because you'll be surprised how many optimisation and syndication opportunities more. Create a list of steps toward a better optimisation and syndication. High quality content with the optimisation of your blog will make it easier to find, and difficult to deny the visitors to return
Undergoing MyBlogLog Verification

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